Sunday 6 February 2011

Euro Trip Day #6: Annecy, France

Sunday 19th December
We all piled into the car in the morning and headed for a little town called Annecy, about 45 mins south of Geneva in France. This town is the sister city of York (near Leeds) and is the quintessential European little village! We wandered around looking at the markets and taking in the sights of the town. The place is beautiful and nestled into the bottom of the mountains with a large lake and canals throughout the town.
In the afternoon we headed into Geneva to show the girls around the town before grabbing a drink with some of Calum’s friends who we had met when they came to visit him in Leeds. We headed back to Calum’s for a home cooked roast and an early night as our train for Paris left the next morning!
Road to Annecy

Kira, Jenna, Me, Calum

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