Tuesday 31 August 2010

Who can make a sunrise? The Cadbury man can!

The weather on Sunday was behaving like Julia Gillard's accent: bad, then really bad, then almost acceptable, then brain hemorrhaging! To play it safe we decided an indoors activity was best...and what better indoors activity than Cadbury World!

The Cadbury family were/are quite astonishing not only in their business and chocolateering acumen, but also in their social support. The location of the Cadbury factory is in Bourneville. The town itself didn't exist before the factory was established. However given the squalor that the workers were forced to live in in nearby Birmingham the Cadbury family built hundreds of homes for their employees and families. Hence, Bourneville was created! The humanitarian tenets of the company are rarely spoken of but it is amazing to see what they have provided for the community over the years.

Cadbury World is a bit lame but the chocolate makes it all worth while. After watching some very dodgy re-enactments of how the first Dairy Milk bar was made you get to make your own chocolate which consists of mixing liquid chocolate with a huge selection of lollies and other sweets.

There is a tour of the packaging factory which is very interesting to see how everything is prepared and watching the giant robots packing the pallets with boxes of chocolate. At almost every stage of the tour you get another block of chocolate handed to you...unfortunately not by an Oompa Loompa, although I kept expecting to find Gene Wilder hiding behind each corner!

Overall the day was a lot of fun,  a lot of chocolate was consumed and the weather turned out to be really good in the end...shame about Julia though.

Uncle Martin and I holding up the sign

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