Tuesday 14 December 2010

Royal Courts of Justice

On Friday 19th November I took the bus down to London early in the morning. I was treating myself to a weekend in town after having finished all my essays! The reason for leaving Leeds at 5am was so that I could go and spend the whole day in the Royal Courts of Justice (RCJ)!

I had the nerdiest day ever.

It was good to get it out of my system though.

I made a list of places that I would like to visit in England about a year ago after just applying for the exchange. On the top of the list was the RCJ. For me, this is where it all started...everything I have learnt and am yet to learn is somehow related to the rooms inside this court. It was an incredibly moving experience walking around the complex and sitting in the gallery in a number of trials.

Call me a geek, but this was one of the big ticket items for me and I won't ever forget the experience.

P.S. If you ever want to hear a quintessential "old boy" English accent just listen to the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales...his voice exudes wisdom and knowledge!

An incredibly impressive building!

Old Bailey
The Central Criminal Court in England

The original Old Bailey building

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