Saturday 9 October 2010

Last Minute London!

At some point during the week commencing 26th September a few of us in the flat decided to do a last minute dash to London for the night. What originally started out as a large group ended up just being two of us, the others realising how much study they had been putting off! We headed down Friday 1st October around lunch time and headed back Saturday night about 8pm. We were short on time because we had booked a trip to Manchester for the Sunday!
During our brief stay we managed to see Legally Blonde: The Musical (great show), Platform 9 ¾, a lot of the Southbank area, Tate Modern, St Paul’s, Westminster, Covent Gardens, Harrods and Regents Park. A jam packed two days with very little sleep!
Platform 9 3/4
I'm not a Harry Potter fan...but when in Rome...

The Savoy Theatre
For all those old Savs reading this!

It's not snowing...mixture between dust on the lense and some light rain!

Incase my law career I know where the headquarters are!

Tate Modern
Picture the exhibits at GOMA placed inside the Powerhouse

Outside the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
Obviously not the original one!

Oustide Westminster Abbey

10 Downing St...I think he was home!


Harrods has its own bank
This is where Harrods customers bring their oil reserves and swap them for store credit!

The Veuve Clicquot Champagne bar INSIDE Harrods
I think this one tops the St Pancras International Champagne Bar...
...sorry Matthew

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